Benefits of Having Your Company Holiday Party in January

Have you considered the possibility of having your company holiday party in January While this may sound unusual, more and more businesses are choosing to hold off on their hosting duties until after Christmas and New Years have passed.
There are many benefits to be had by following this trend –
- For many companies and organizations, fourth-quarter earnings are crucial to the company’s bottom line and there is simply not enough time to plan or execute such an event.
- Employees are more stressed out during the holidays, not only from work but also on a personal level between having to shop, plan vacations and family get-togethers. There simply is just not enough time. While holiday parties are a great time, everyone could use some breathing room in December.
- January parties are more inclusive for those who may not celebrate Christmas.
- It is a great way to kick off the New Year by thanking employees for a job well done. There is no better motivation or way to get employees charged for the year to come then by singing their praises.
- Finding dates in January for venues and entertainment is considerably easier than during the height of the holiday season.
- In January, venues will likely be less expensive and you can also save money on food and beverages.
No matter the specifics of your company culture, the opportunity for team members to meet and mingle with people they don’t normally get to talk to is one of the biggest benefits of the holiday party. A Philly Casino Party does just that! It provides a means for low-key conversation starters that allow employees and spouses/partners to easily chat each other up. This form of entertainment for your company party encourages social interaction over a friendly game of cards. Philly Casino Dealers are experts at ensuring that all your guests are interacting, having fun and getting to know each other.
Add one of our photo booths with props to create even greater engagement with outgoing employees inviting more reserved people to take photos with them. It will provide lasting memories of the fun had by all.
With the current downward trend of employee engagement, it might be more important than ever for your business to not only host a holiday party but to use it as an opportunity to show employee appreciation and help team members to better get to know the company and each other. A Philly Casino Party is a wonderful way to start out the new year on a positive note.